Professor Mairi Maclean
Mairi Maclean is Associate Dean Faculty and Professor of International Business in the School of Management at the University of Bath, UK, which she joined in May 2016. She received her PhD from the University of St Andrews, and is an alumna of the University of Bath School of Management, where she completed an MBA. She has previously held positions at the University of Newcastle, University of Exeter, University of the West of England, Royal Holloway University of London, Aston University, and the University of Paris IV (Paris-Sorbonne). At her former institutions she has served variously as Deputy Dean, Associate Director of Research, MBA Director, and Director of Doctoral Programmes. Her research interests include business elites and elite power, entrepreneurial philanthropy, historical organization studies, and the history of management thought. Her publications include contributions to the Academy of Management Review, Academy of Management Learning and Education, Journal of Management Studies, Human Relations, Organization Studies, and Work, Employment and Society. She is Associate Editor at Management Learning and the International Journal of Management Reviews, and is an elected member of the Council of the British Academy of Management (BAM).
Appears in 1 Episode
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
This episode of Management Meets delves into the complex world of Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (ED&I) in business. Bringing together academia and industry, hosts...