Professor Juani Swart
I am a Professor in Human Capital Management and specialize in the management of People and Knowledge in contemporary contexts. This is particularly relevant to the Future of Work. My research is focused on human capital as a strategic resource, innovation and employee attitudes and behaviours. This research aims to understand the transfer of human capital into intellectual capital, thereby linking the intellectual capital, HRM and performance debates. My teaching is focused on managing knowledge. At the MBA level I teach People Management and lead an MBA elective on Knowledge Leadership in a Global Economy where I work closely with the United Nations Capital Develoment Fund (UNCDF). Here my work has impact on the poorest nations in the world by understanding knowledge sharing better. My current research projects focus on (i) contemporary forms of working across boundaries; (ii) complexity and managerial resilience and (iii) Artificial Intelligence in Professional Services Firms As a Chartered Psychologist, my executive development expertise is in the areas of strategic knowledge management, leadership styles, personal effectiveness in the context of people management and the management of professionals. I have published widely in the area of people management in knowledge intensive firms, intellectual capital structures, innovation and knowledge sharing.
Appears in 1 Episode
Katie and Steve talk leadership with Chair of the FA, Debbie Hewitt MBE. Debbie shares honest insights from her career journey, how she turned challenges into opportun...